Effects of different processing parameters of mobile DR on image quality of bedside chest radiography
投稿时间:2017-01-26  修订日期:2017-05-19
中文关键词:  胸部疾病  光学密度  图像质量  放射摄影术
英文关键词:Thoracic disease  Optical density  Image quality  Radiography
郭哲 河北医科大学第三医院放射科, 河北 石家庄 050051  
吴文娟 河北医科大学第三医院放射科, 河北 石家庄 050051  
于宝海 河北医科大学第三医院放射科, 河北 石家庄 050051  
张祖卓 河北医科大学第三医院放射科, 河北 石家庄 050051  
袁玉玲 河北医科大学第三医院放射科, 河北 石家庄 050051  
孟辉 河北医科大学第三医院放射科, 河北 石家庄 050051  
吴慧钊 河北医科大学第三医院放射科, 河北 石家庄 050051 wuhuizhao2004@sina.com 
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      目的 探讨移动数字化X摄影(DR)不同后处理参数对床旁胸片影像质量的影响。方法 对150幅床旁胸片图像进行多频拉普拉斯变换(MLT)、图像处理(IP)等后处理参数调整,分析总结后处理参数的优化方案。测量肺部相关区域光学密度值,以配对样本t检验比较出厂设置默认参数与后处理参数优化肺部相关区域光学密度值的差异和图像质量评分的差异。结果 亮度、对比度以及动态范围中的低密度参数对床旁胸片图像质量影响较大。调整并优化后处理参数后,胸部第2肋间区域密度值为1.68±0.04,肺门密度值为0.77±0.46,肺周边部密度(近胸壁1 cm处与单肋骨重叠处)值为0.62±0.06,心影密度值为0.44±0.04,膈下密度值为0.37±0.04,两肺野外带纹理清晰显示,脊柱和心影后区肺纹理可见,符合诊断学要求。第2肋间、肺门、肺周边部、心影部、膈下部均为调整前密度值小于调整后密度值,差异有统计学意义,且调整后的密度值均较调整前接近参考密度值;优化后处理参数后所得影像质量评分为(3.53±0.14)分,高于优化前(3.02±0.23)分,差异有统计学意义。结论 适合的后处理参数值是保证移动DR床旁胸片肺部各区域合理密度值的关键,优化后处理参数可提高移动DR床旁胸片的影像质量。
      Objective To explore the effects of different processing parameters of mobile digital radiography (DR) on image quality of bedside chest radiography. Methods Post processing parameter on 150 cases bedside DR chest image like multi-frequency laplasse transform (MLT), image processing (IP) were modified, and the optimization scheme of post-processing parameters were analyzed and summarized. The paired sample t test was used to compare the difference of the imaging quality score and optical density between the default parameter group and the post-processing parameter optimization group through measure the optical density of lung related area. Results Brightness, contrast and the low density in dynamic range were the main factors affecting the quality of bedside chest radiography. After modifying and optimizing the post-processing parameters, the density value of the second intercostal area was 1.68±0.04, the density value of the hilum was 0.77±0.46, the density value of pulmonary peripheral (near chest wall 1 cm and overlap with a single rib) was 0.62±0.06, the density value of cardiac shadow was 0.44±0.04, the density value of subphrenic was 0.37±0.04, the lung markings was clearly showed in the lateral field of lung and was visible in the spine and heart shadow area which meet the diagnostic requirement. The density value of those parts before modify were lower than the modify value which was more closer to the reference density value, and the difference had statistically significant. The image quality score of the post-processing parameter optimization group was 3.53±0.14, which was higher than 3.02±0.23 of the default parameter group, and the difference had statistically significant. Conclusion The appropriate post-processing parameters is the key to guarantee the reasonable density of lung areas image quality and the optimization post-processing parameter can improve the image quality of bedside chest radiography by the mobile DR.
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